Apollo Stepped Steel Iron Shafts

Product: Apollo Stepped Steel Iron Shafts

Technical Specifications:

Flex L/A Combo R/S Combo
Kick Point Mid Kick Mid Kick
Weight (grams) 120 125
Tip Size .370 .370
Raw Length 39″ 40″

 Apollo Stepped Iron Trim Chart:

Flex 3 Iron 4 Iron 5 Iron 6 Iron 7 Iron 8 Iron 9 Iron PW

Ladies 0″ 1/2″ 1″ 1 1/2″ 2″ 2 1/2″ 3″ 3″ 3″
Senior 1″ 1 1/2″ 2″ 2 1/2″ 3″ 3 1/2″ 4″ 4″ 4″
Regular 0″ 1/2″ 1″ 1 1/2″ 2″ 2 1/2″ 3″ 3″ 3″
Stiff 1″ 1 1/2″ 2″ 2 1/2″ 3″ 3 1/2″ 4″ 4″ 4″


Product Description:

The Apollo Standard Stepped Steel iron shaft is the value leader in steel iron shafts. The price, of course, is a great thing, but don’t let that fool you. This is a very playable iron shaft that you’ll find to be an excellent performer.

Some clubmakers have dubbed this shaft the ‘poor mans’ Dynamic Gold! Fitters love this shaft with its long 12″ parallel tip that allows for versatile tip trimming, and it’s available in both R/S and A/L flexes.